August 20, 2012

Happy Back-to-School!

In honor of the transition back to school, CiviCore wishes our many education and mentoring partners a very happy and productive school year!

Thank you for all you do for the next generation of movers and shakers.

August 3, 2012

Victim Service Organizations Have Impact Far Beyond Justice For Victims

CiviCore is honored to provide technology solutions for many Victim Service Organizations doing invaluable work. 

The following research, published in the Journal of Policy Analysis and Management, shows that reducing domestic violence has significant social benefits beyond providing justice for the victims and insuring safe homes for all families.

Family Business or Social Problem? The Cost of Unreported Domestic Violence

by Scott E. Carrell & Mark Hoekstra

"Social interest in problems such as domestic violence is typically motivated by concerns regarding equity, rather than efficiency. However, we document that taking steps to reduce domestic violence by reporting it yields substantial benefits to external parties. Specifically, we find that although children exposed to as-yet-unreported domestic violence reduce the achievement of their classroom peers, these costs disappear completely once the parent reports the violence to the court. This suggests that the public has an interest in helping families to overcome their problems in general and to report domestic violence in particular. It also suggests that social and judicial interventions may help combat negative peer effects in schools."

Click to read the complete research.

*Carrell, S. E. and Hoekstra, M. (2012), Family Business or Social Problem? The Cost of Unreported Domestic Violence. Journal of Policy Analysis and Management. doi: 10.1002/pam.21650