CiviCore is proud to announce the launch of a version of our Client Tracking platform for AgrAbility Colorado. Founded in 1990 and funded through the Farm Bill, The Agrability Project aims to "enable a high quality lifestyle for farmers, ranchers, and other agricultural workers with disabilities." AgrAbility is sponsored by the U.S. Department of Agriculture and consists of a National Project and 24 State-Level projects, each involving collaborative partnerships between land grant universities and various nonprofit disability service organizations.
Here in Colorado, the AgrAbility project is collaboration between Colorado State University Extension and Goodwill Industries of Denver. The CAP (Colorado Agrability Project) seeks to assess agricultural work sites and tasks, recommend adaptations to equipment, refer to services, and provide workshops and information for disabled farmers and agricultural workers.
CiviCore's Client Tracking System has been deployed to help the CAP more efficiently track, manage, and report on client information, site visits, and the services rendered on behalf of their clients. We are excited to be a part of such an inspiring project, and we'd like to thank the team from CAP and Goodwill for partnering with us on this project.