We are happy to announce the launch of yet another CiviCore-powered client website, http://volunteer.up2us.org/. The site is the result of a collaboration between CiviCore, Up2Us, and Nike. The site is being promoted by LeBron James as he tours cities around the world.
Up2Us is a national coalition that seeks to increase the impact of and access to youth sports as a tool for positive youth development. To that end, they asked us to develop a website for them which would link willing volunteers to local basketball teams in need of a coach. They ask, we deliver: Check out Volunteer.Up2Us.org here!
Paul Cacamo, the Executive Director of Up2Us, has this to say about the new site and Nike's efforts ot promote it: "Behind every player is a coach and a team whose collaboration inspires greatness. Lebron and Nike Basketball are asking you to join the President and First Lady Obama's campaign, United We Serve, to find out how you can volunteer to be a coach in a community near you. Great players need great leaders on their courts and in their lives. Become one now"