January 13, 2010

COVA Praises CiviCore

Here at CiviCore, we take pride in client satisfaction with our products and services.  Because of this, it is particularly gratifying for us to hear back from old clients about their successes with CiviCore.  We were thrilled to receive the note below this week from COVA, a client who uses CiviCore database technology to track and manage Victim Assistance and Victim Services in Colorado:

"I just wanted to take this opportunity to thank CiviCore for all the hard work and flexibility in creating/maintaining our Online Crime Victim Services Directory.  As I track unique visits to the Directory, I've noticed that not only is it an extremely valuable resource used by many, many folks all around the State of Colorado, but it has received visits from all over the world, too!  I use Google Analytics to track usage, and just gush with pride every time I have the opportunity to share with our Board of Directors how many visits we get from the US, Canada, Mexico, Spain, France, Malaysia, etc.!  Much of this is due to the user-friendly interface you have so patiently worked with us to create, it seems that anyone can access the information.  So a big THANK YOU to you from everyone here at the Colorado Organization for Victim Assistance!"