June 15, 2010

CiviCore presents at Rocky Mountain Gov 2.0 Camp

CiviCore was at the Government 2.0 Camp Rocky Mountain camp held in Boulder, CO over the weekend.  The camp brought together leading thinkers from government, academia, and industry to share information about Government 2.0 initiatives.  The objective of the camp was to explore ways we can create a more collaborative, transparent, and effective government.

In 2009, the first Government 2.0 Camp was held in Washington D.C. to bring together leading thinkers from government, academia, and industry to share Government 2.0 initiatives that were in progress and to collaborate on ideas about leveraging social media tools and Web 2.0 technologies to create a more collaborative, transparent, and effective government - Government 2.0.  That event was a success and laid the ground work for other Government 2.0 Camps throughout the United States.

Chic Naumer, co-founder of CiviCore, discussed some of the exciting new applications we have developed in this area and different approaches toward developing applications in this sphere.  A key theme of the presentation was on developing concept or problem centric systems that help people better understand policy issues.  Web 2.0 applications can be very important toward getting people to not only discuss statistics but to also to engage in discussions about how they are thinking about an issue.

See the entire presentation here -

A big thanks to organizers Scott Primeau and Brian Gryth as well as all the attendees for  a great conference!