January 10, 2011

CiviCore Launches Upgrade with Capital Partners For Education

Capital Partners for Education (CPE)  has been a CiviCore client for over 2 years now and has recently upgraded their database to CiviCore's new platform. Their aim is to improve the futures of low-income youth by helping them receive a quality education, graduate from high school, and attend college.  Here is what Kathleen Malliarakis, Deputy Director of CPE, had to say about their experience with CiviCore:

     "Our Civicore database is extremely user-friendly. We are able to capture and use important data pertaining to both our programmatic and fundraising efforts in the same online platform, which has improved our overall efficiency as an organization. I appreciate the Civicore team greatly. They are friendly, efficient and really wonderful to work with."

We'd like to thank Kathleen and the rest of the staff at CPE not only for being great clients but also for the great work they are doing for the youth of the Washington, D.C. area.